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The Culture of China is one of the world's oldest and most complex cultures. Chinese culture is rich and profound.The richness of Chinese culture can find expression in its diversity and pluralism. Have you ever eaten Peking Duck or dumplings at a local Chinese restaurant? Have you ever been to a Chinese tailor shop to make the traditional style of the silk blouses and dresses? You might have ever watched Kung Fu Panda, DreamWorks' new animated film based on Chinese martial arts and panda. And sometimes you might use the phrase "Confucious say:..." as the beginning of your talk. There's no doult that the Chinese Culture has played an important role not only in China itself, but also in world society. The Culture of China has attracted and moved many people from all over the world, being so unique as well as elegant and inspiring. The Chinese Culture, a culture that has evolved for thousands of years, contains rare beauty and enchantment with history. The information we provide in this column is just the tip of an iceberg. But hope it will help you have a better understanding of Chinese Culture and arouse your interests to explore it!

China General Introduction

China has a history of five thousand years. It is the only continuous ancient civilization with the others having changed, discontinued, withered or perished. With such a long history and old-living civilization, the Culture of China offers much more than anything or anyone could possible receive.

Brief Introduction
Public Holidays

Religions and Beliefs

Chinese Religions and Beliefs is very complicated and difficult to summarize because China's own philosophies accept freedom of religions as long as the beliefs promote universal harmony, and not hatred or disagreement. The main influences in China are from the philosophies and beliefs of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.

Southern Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism
Han Buddhism
Religions and Beliefs


Through 5,000 years of practice and history, Chinese medicine has formed a deep and immense knowledge of medical science, theory, diagnostic methods, prescriptions and cures. Compared with the west, the Chinese approach is very different, with the basic principle lying in the properties of Yin and Yang.

Main Hospital Listing
P.R.C Medical System
Traditional Massage
Herbal Medicine


Education plays an significate role in the development of world civilization. China has always been attaching great importance to the education system. Here we provide the general information about the education system of ancient China and PRC, as well as a list of the main universities in China.

Culture Focus

Chinese Culture is extensive and profound. For any country, and especially China, it is impossible to explore every little aspect of its culture. However, this section explains general areas of the Chinese Culture for you to explore, the areas that have touched and lived across the world, the areas that best define China.

Arts and Crafts

Chinese Arts and Crafts is an important part of the China's extremely rich cultural and art heritage. Each part of China has its own styles, and the entire output is enormous for both family and community use. There are some varied and wonderful arts and crafts associated with the Chinese Culture that we will be going into in this section.

China Food and Drink

Chinese Food and Drink is well know in the world for its various types and distinct flavours. Due to China's vast size and ethnic diversity a wide variety of styles of cooking have developed. The diversity of the climate, products and customs cause widely different styles and tastes of food and drink in local regions.

China Tour Packages