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Julia Musche studying tourism management

Dear Sir or Madame:

my name is Julia Musche and I am studying tourism management in Germany. I am now in the last term of my studies and therefore I am working on my bachelor thesis. 

The topic of my thesis is the following: Mega sport events as a chance for Incoming tour operators- An empirical study of aims and strategies of selected tour operators at the venues of Worldcups and Olympic Games

I informed myself about your company on your homepage because I also want to do some research on the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008.
My question is if you have dealt with the Olympic Games or not? Therefore I would like to know if you were taking any measures to prepare for this huge event. Moreover I would like to find out if you had special targets and strategies that you developed for the sport event.

Now I would like to know if you could support me with this thesis or not? It wouldn′t be too much work for you because I would create a questionnaire which we could discuss later on.

Please let me know if this would be possible as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Julia Musche

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