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A perfect Long Trip in China

Dear Chris,
I wanted to tell you what a nice trip you organized for us in China. Everything worked out and my friend had a good time.I hope you have had time to tell the manager of the hotel in Beijing what a
good job the employees did. Thank them again. People have asked me what the best part of China was and I say over and over "the kindness of the people of China!" We also met some wonderful people from Mongolia. They all worked together in an enterprise in Mongolia and were on the plane from Chengdu with us. We then were on the bus in Lhasa and toured with them. I have lost their email. Can you please send me a name and an email from any one of them. My friend and I would like to contact them. If you cannot give it to me, please forward this message to them and tell them, Tina and I really want to stay in touch. I will be back to China and I will have you arrange my travel again. You did a great job!!!
Bill and Tina

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