Travel has become a great incentive to employees. And China is getting popular as a desination for incentive travel, with its mystery and history. We makes use of the travel resources in China to design customized itineraries for your corporate incentive groups, developing unique concepts to reward deserving individuals who has achieved outstanding contributions for their organization. When executed correctly a group travel incentive not only raises morale but also improves company loyalty. The success or failure of an incentive trip rests upon the effectiveness and honesty of many different vendors. So we spend many time and effort securing only the best, most reliable vendors for our packages.

So far we manage two main types of incentive tour for both group and individual On a group program the entire group of winners participate in the same itinerary at the same time. A well designed and run incentive travel program is one of the most effective ways to reward great performers. Individual travel incentives are a great way to motivate and reward top performers. Individual Incentive programs allow participants to choose their own reward based on a pre-packaged travel certificate or a complete planned package. Qualifiers get to choose the experience they would like, travel when they want, and with whom they want.

We also provide the first class travel arrangements, and offer on-site management and supervision by a member of your highly trained team. That means wherever you are, you can have the services of a dedicated professional manager who is on call to assure that your trip runs smoothly and efficiently. In this way we can tailor our services to the exact needs of your company and your trip. This "Whole Service" ensures that last minute changes or special circumstances will not adversely affect your trip.