Business training is ideal for international business travellers who wish to find one easy way of preparing themselves for Chinese business culture. The information and advice we provide in the training service will help a lot to smooth your experience in doing business in China.
(1) Import & Export Training
We offer a complete range of services ranging from familiarization with Chinese domestic laws and conventions to product instruction explanations. Every industry has its own unique facts, so each industry needs its own tailored management training schemes to keep up to date with current industry standards and to maximize effectiveness. We will make full use of special local expertise to aid you familiarising yourself with the Chinese regulations regarding the import and export of goods.

(2) China Business & Culture Training Services
Acceptable topics for casual conversation. Discussing illness, death or tragic events is not
appropriate as it is seen as bad luck. When referring to the nation on formal documents or speeches, it is appropriate to use the full title. Conversation during a meal should focus heavily on giving compliments to the chef.
Public Behavior
Do's and Don'ts of public behavior. For example, the Chinese do not typically use exaggerated gestures or facial expressions while speaking. Introductions are usually quite formal. The Chinese traditionally nod or bow slightly when greeting. However, handshaking is also common and appropriate.
Chinese Dinners
Business is not generally discussed over a meal, though you may be treated to a banquet during your stay. If possible, you should always return the favor. Table manners are more relaxed in China than in the west, but follow the example of others at the table for your own comfort.

Appointment Alert
Appointments should be made in advance. Effective time management is necessary. Punctuality is very important in China for both business and social appointment, so it is customary to arrive slightly early. Bring numerous business cards, preferably printed in English on one side and Chinese on the other.
Business Dress
It should be always appropriate for men to wear a suit and tie, while women to wear either a dress or a skirt and blouse, to show respect for the persons and the issues you are dealing with. But after the business part is over, dressing casual and clean will help to promote the personal contacts with others.
First Name or Title
How to address others and avoid offence. Different from western countries, Chinese names put family name first while the given name at back. During the first few contacts, it’s better to call the family name with a appropriate title. When meet top persons, the major title like general manager, professor… should not be lost.
Gift Giving
The giving of gifts is an important part of Chinese business life and should not be lightly undertaken. Our training includes the information on what kind of gifts are considered suitable and what should be avoided. People often decline a gift several times before accepting it. Be persistent until they accept.