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China Child Adoption

Here you will get a brief introduction and some useful tips for China children adotption.
Since 2004, all prospective adopters who wish to adopt children from China must apply through agencies accredited by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS). Currently, two not-for-profit organizations to handle all adoptions of children from China have been accredited and are recognised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of China. The two agencies, are Touch Family Services Limited and Fei Yue Community Services.
China will notify the accredited agencies on the outcome of each application. Upon successful application, the prospective adopters are required to make a trip to China to receive the child and be present at the Civil Affairs Department or the authorised adoption registration centre where the child is habitually residing, to register the adoption.  The CCAA will advise on the bodies or agencies to complete the adoption.

Under the adoption law of China, several tips are set out which define eligibility. They are as follows:
"Childless" requires that the prospective adopters have no other children, biological, adopted or otherwise.
"The capacity of rearing and educating the adoptee": Future parents should have all necessary means and rights to bring up the adopted children and caring for intellectual, moral and monetary needs as well as fulfilling all parental obligations.
"No such diseases as considered medically unfit for adoption": Adopters may not suffer from mental or infectious diseases.
"30 years old": The minimum age requirement is 30 years old. In cases of joint adoption by a couple, both parties must be above the age requirement.
Hope the tips and advice we provide will help if you are planning to adopt a child from China.

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