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Tips for Disabled Travelers

China is becoming more convenient for disabled travelers. Specially-designed & equipped facilities in the public areas of transport, airport and hotel are now more accessible, especially after the Olympics. Don’t worry about getting around because you are disabled physically, with the necessary assistant tools, proper planning, reasonable arrangements and good preparation, traveling can still be a unique and rewarding experience. Some useful tips to enjoy such a journey follow for your reference.

1. Get plenty of information and finalize your destinations. Choose a suitable destination, taking into account its natural environment, barrier-free facilities, and level of health care available.
2. Know your own abilities. Make a thorough physical examination and discuss the trip with your doctor. Take with you your doctor’s name and telephone number so he/her can be contacted in any emergency.
3. Inform your travel advisor of your disability, health conditions and requested special cares, so that they can make proper suggestions and arrangements for you.
4. Contact your airline, cruise and hotel in advance and disclose your requirements. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with airline, cruise and hotel emergency procedures, and that you can access to them.
5. Choose an appropriate itinerary and plan well ahead. Select the longer itinerary with plenty of time to enjoy & relax. Many cities offer not only well improved access, but also a discounted price for the disabled traveler at many scenic spots.
6. Before you leave, have maintenance check done on any equipment you will take with you, and make sure that everything is in good condition.

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Name:Tips for disabled travellers Reply

My husband and I are planning to travel in China. He’s disabled and needs a wheelchair. Do you provide tour service for disabled travellers? Please give me some travel tips for disabled travellers about China.

Name:Re: Tips for disabled travellers

Our company can provide specialcared tour service for disabled travellers, but we suggest you visiting developped cities (e.g. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou). Special infrustration for disabled people are more sophisticated, such as hotel rooms for disabled person, taxi designed specially for disabled people, access only for disabled travellers in tourist attractions, etc.; We wish your trip in China will come true. If you have any other questions about tips for disabled travellers in China, please contact me.