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China Travel Entry Regulations

On arrival in China, travelers must fill in Entry Registration Cards, and present passports, visas and quarantine certificates for inspection. All luggage, goods and packages must be checked by the quarantine inspectors before being allowed to enter China. Personal belongings will be admitted duty free, including food, two bottles of liquor and two cartons of cigarettes. Wristwatches, radios, tape recorders, cameras, movie cameras, and similar items may be brought in for personal use but cannot be sold or transferred to others and must be brought out of China. Gifts for relatives or friends in China, or articles carried on behalf of other, must also be declared. Visitors can bring in an unlimited amount of foreign currency and Chinese renminbi traveler's checks, and the unspent portion can be taken out.

The following personnel are prohibited from entering China:
1. People who have broken Chinese laws and others who were expelled and have not been permitted to re-enter China.
2. Known or suspected terrorists and those who engage in violent and subversive activities.
3. Known or suspected dealers in contraband, drug trade, or prostitution.
4. People who suffer from Hansen's disease (leprosy), AIDS/HIV, VD (venereal disease),  pulmonary tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
5. People who cannot afford the cost of their stay in China.
6. People who are known or suspected to engage in activities that are harmful to China's social order and national security.
7. Those who do not hold valid passports, visas and other credentials.
8. Those who hold stolen, forged or altered passports, visas and credentials.
9. Those who refuse to have their credentials and documents checked.
10. Those who are forbidden to enter China by the Ministry of Public Security of China and the Ministry of State Security.

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Name:Entry in China Advice Reply

I’m a German photographer. I’m planning to take some shots of the attraction in China and will take some professional filming equipments. Could you arrange that for me? Besides, do we need to do custom declaration for our equipments?

Name:Re:Entry in China Advice

We had received professional filming group. The proffesional photographic equipments need custom declaration and some deposit. We suggest you doing Journalist visa. We could also get people help you do the custom declaration. If any other questions, please contact.