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China Travel Health Keeping

Health concerns should not be ignored when travelling. Vaccinations and preventative medicine are important, and easy to plan in advance. You will need to plan 4-6 weeks for most immunizations, and you must seek medical advice as to which vaccinations you require, as this will vary on age, health and the country to which you are traveling.
Health Insurance
Check with your insurer or health service to determine if you're covered abroad. Many plans will not cover you outside your home country, and emergency treatment can be extremely expensive.

Carry a basic first aid kit for you and your family. The contents will depend on your destination. If any of you take prescription medicines, make sure to bring a sufficient supply, and keep them in their original containers. It's also a good idea to carry copies of all prescriptions. Some brands may be unavailable, so ask you doctor which substitutions are suitable. If you wear prescription glasses, carry those prescriptions as well, to make replacement as painless as possible.
Jet-lag and Sleep
Getting a good nights sleep is conducive to having a great holiday. Jet lag is a whole subject on it's own but if you are away from home, possibly in different time zone.
Find good ways to help you relax and gently drift off to sleep.

Trying new types of food can be great fun on vacation, but take proper care, especially in areas where sanitation might lead to problems. As with any new environment, your body takes time to adjust when you travel abroad. This applies to food and water as well as air in many places. In many countries there are still bacteria and parasites in the water that can lead to an upset stomach and diarrhea. Because of this, it is advisable to only use bottled or boiled water, or iodine tablets, for drinking, cooking and brushing your teeth. Avoid street vendor food and unpeeled fruits and vegetables. Follow the adage that if it can be 'cooked, boiled or peeled', it's probably safe to eat. Sticking to bottled water is a good bet as well. Avoid ice and any drinks that may be mixed with tap water, such as some juices and punches. And don't forget to use it when brushing your teeth. Even a tiny swallow of bad water can make you miserable.

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Name:Health tips Reply

Hello, I want to visit Tibet. I’m 65 now. I know that Tibet altitude is very high. Do you think I can go there?

Name:Re: Health tips

The most important thing travelling in Tibet is to keep healthy. If you don’t have hypertension, heart disease, then it’s OK. We provide oxygen bag for our clients, but the core is to take good care by yourself to stay healthy.