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China Travel Prohibited Items

The importation and exportation of dangerous drugs, psychotropic substances, controlled chemicals, antibiotics, arms, ammunition, fireworks, strategic commodities, rough diamonds, textiles, animals, plants, endangered species, telecommunication equipment, game, meat and poultry into or out of China is strictly controlled and subject to much legislation. A license must be obtained well in advance, from the appropriate Chinese authority, before any such activity.

Prohibited Items When Going To China
1. Guns, imitation arms or toy weapons, ammunitions and explosives of all kinds
2. Counterfeit currency and securities
3. Printed matter, films, photos, gramophone records, cinematographic films, loaded recording tapes and video-tapes, compact discs (video & audio), storage media for computers and other articles which are detrimental to the political, economic, cultural and ethics of China
4. Deadly poisons of all kinds
5. Opium, heroin, morphine, marijuana and other narcotic or hallucinatory drugs
6. Infected animals, plants and products; injurious insects and other harmful organisms
7. Foodstuffs, medicines and other articles coming from epidemic-stricken areas or those easy to spread diseases.

Prohibited Items When Leaving China
Do not buy any antique item that date before 1975, as they cannot be legally exported. Every antique product is marked with a red wax seal indicating its authenticity that can be exported from China. Items like Chinese medicine herbs and gold and silver articles required purchase receipts. The receipt can be demanded at the time of custom clearance while leaving China. Avoid purchasing articles made from rare wild animals' skin. All the prohibited items will be seized without giving any compensation.
Failure to comply with these regulations will result in the confiscation of any goods concerned and could result in prosecution resulting in a fine or imprisonment. Travelers may also face prosecution for bringing any unauthorized electronic or digital decoder which enables the viewing of subscription television without charge or subscription.

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Name:China Travel Prohibited Items Reply

Hi My company wants me to go to China for 6 weeks. I am vegetarain. Can I carry readymade food or Home made food to China. So I can survive there. On Airport, will they allow home made food? Please advise...

Name:Re: China Travel Prohibited Items

Food prohibited from entering into China: Fresh fruits, eggplant vegetables, living animals (dogs and cats excluded), products made of animals and plants, pathogenic micro-organisms of animals and plants, insect pest and other harmful organisms, animal carcasses, soil, materials of transgenic organisms, relevant plants and animals in countries and regions where there is an epidemic, and products of such plants and animals, and other articles that require inspection; Unsanitary foods, medicine or other articles; those imported from the epidemic area; and other foods or medicines that may produce or breed infectious diseases.

Name:China Travel Prohibited Items Reply

My company is sending me to work in China. I am a Coeliac and need to take corn meal for dietary reasons. Can I take processed corn meal into China?

Name:Re:China Travel Prohibited Items

Hello. This is the List of Prohibited Items and Categories when going to China 1. Guns, imitation arms or toy weapons, ammunitions and explosives of all kinds 2. Counterfeit currency and securities 3. Printed matter, films, photos, gramophone records, cinematographic films, loaded recording tapes and video-tapes, compact discs (video & audio), storage media for computers and other articles which are detrimental to the political, economic, cultural and ethics of China 4. Deadly poisons of all kinds 5. Opium, heroin, morphine, marijuana and other narcotic or hallucinatory drugs 6. Infected animals, plants and products; injurious insects and other harmful organisms 7. Foodstuffs, medicines and other articles coming from epidemic-stricken areas or those easy to spread diseases. 8. Precious relics and other relics prohibited from exportation 9. Endangered and rare animals, plants and their seeds and breeding materials 10. Radio transmitter and communication security machines

Name:China Travel Prohibited Items Reply

Can I bring some special flour into China for cooking with ? It is not available in China, the flour brand is called Pan its a flour brand from Colombia. It is used a lot in Spanish meals.

Name:Re:China Travel Prohibited Items

Hello. This is the List of Prohibited Items and Categories when going to China 1. Guns, imitation arms or toy weapons, ammunitions and explosives of all kinds 2. Counterfeit currency and securities 3. Printed matter, films, photos, gramophone records, cinematographic films, loaded recording tapes and video-tapes, compact discs (video & audio), storage media for computers and other articles which are detrimental to the political, economic, cultural and ethics of China 4. Deadly poisons of all kinds 5. Opium, heroin, morphine, marijuana and other narcotic or hallucinatory drugs 6. Infected animals, plants and products; injurious insects and other harmful organisms 7. Foodstuffs, medicines and other articles coming from epidemic-stricken areas or those easy to spread diseases. 8. Precious relics and other relics prohibited from exportation 9. Endangered and rare animals, plants and their seeds and breeding materials 10. Radio transmitter and communication security machines