Home - China Travel - Guizhou Province - Hongfu Temple

Hongfu Temple Guide

-Travel to Hongfu Temple

Hongfu Temple is the most famous and largest Buddhist temple in Guizhou province and is located near the town of Guiyang. The temple has been rebuilt many times over the past 300 years and today, it is very well preserved. Since 1983 the temple has been open to the public and declared a key cultural relic. The name of the temple means 'good fortune' and was founded in 1672 by a Ming Dynasty Monk named Chisong. In the beginning, the temple was just a small hut, but the monk persisted in gaining support from the officials to make this a grand temple and eventually his persistence paid off. Recently, many prominent people pay visits to the temple and many people give praise to the unique architectural styles and its setting.

A monk named Chisong originally buit Hongfu Temple in 1672. Since he was attracted by the elegance and beauty of the surrounding scenery, he decided to build a temple on the site. On the way to the temple, up in the sharp cliffs, stone inscriptions can be seen here and there. On entering the gate of the temple, you will see the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower on both sides. The first hall named Heacenly King Hall, you can see the statues of Maitreya Buddha and the four Heavenly Kings. There are steles of sutra and colorful paintings on the walls. The second main hall is the Bodhisattva Hall dedicated to Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara with 32 arms. There are glided statues of Sakyamuni and the 18 Arhats in the third hall which is named Mahavira Hall. Besides these superb halls, the temple is also adorned with galleries, pools, and springs, which are of high artistic value.

The temple complex is made up of a number of halls and the most important of these are the Daxiongbaodian Hall, the Kwan-yin Hall (the Guanyin Hall), and the Sutra Collection Pavilion. The architectural style is magnificent and venerable. In recent years many prominent people have visited the temple and in accordance with Chinese tradition have left poetery in praise of the inspiring architecture and its setting.
Here are some guide information about Hongfu Temple. The detail is following:
Address: Wudang District, Guiyang
Admission Fee: CNY 5
Opening hours: 08:00 a.m-18:00 p.m
Contact Hotline: 86 851 6831723

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