Home - China Travel - Qufu Travel Guide - Confucian Mansion

Confucian Mansion Guide

-Travel to Confucian Mansion

Travel to the Confucius’ Mansion, you can get to know Confucius’ family and his life story. The Confucius Family Residence is located east of the Confucius Temple. The Confucius' Mansion is also called "Yansheng Master Mansion". It is the living place of closely related descendants generation after generation. It is the largest popular mansion next to the imperial palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasty in China. No matter the construction layout or the collection of cultural relics all claim "the first mansion in the world".This place is where the descendants of Confucius lived.

Inside the compound there are nine courtyards, which are all great examples of the traditional architectural styles of China. All of the furniture and decorations were extravagant and omnipotent for that time period and today, people can see the honor that the Confucius family received from feudal rulers. The east are house temples, there are the Baoben Hall, the Peach Temple and etc. West is academy, it is the place that Confucius studied knowledge, poem and etiquette and created and sang poems with his descendants and treated guests, they are the Zhongshu

Hall, the Anhuai Hall and south and north flower halls treated guests. Center is the main body of the Confucius' Mansion.As the border of inner house, front is the government having three halls and six main rooms (the Largest Hall, the Second Largest Hall, the Third Largest Hall, the Guangou Main Room, the Baihu Main Room, the Zhiyin Main Room, the Zhangshu Main Room, the Dianji Main Room and the Sile Main Room), back is the inner house, there are front up house, front hall building, back hall building and back five rooms. Here's some guide information in your travel of The Confucius' Mansion: Address: Qufu, Jining County, Shandong Province. Contact number: 0086-0537-4486500  Admission Fee:CNY50  Opening Hours: 08:00-17:00

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Name:Confucius’ Mansion Reply

Is Confucius’ Mansion a diifirent place from Confucius Temple? I’m kind of confused.

Name:Re: Confucius’ Mansion

Hi, Confucius’ Mansion is diffirent from Confucius Temple, but they’re near by. Confucius’ Mansion was the residence where Confucius famuly used to live.