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Beidaihe Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Beidaihe, is one of the famous coastal cities in China, located on the middle of north gulf of Bohai Sea. The city enjoys the warm and semi-humid monsoon continental climate with the annual temperature around 13 degrees celsius. Since Beidaihe is located close to the Bohai Sea, it also enjoys the oceanic climate with the abundant birds and plants there. During summer, the average temperature in Baeidaihe is around 23 degrees celsius, which makes it as the first choice for the governmental leaders to visit and get away from

the high temperature in the captial city Beijing. And the temperature in winter is around -5 degrees celsius, guests can wear the down jacket outside and enjoy the outside view of the city. The reason that Baidaihe is one of the cities attract people to come during the summer time is its 70% forest coverage rate, which makes the city to be a large forest at the coastline. Baihaihe also enjoys the abundant rainfalls for around 680 mm annually. The best time to visit in Beidaihe is July and August, and guests can enjoy the fresh air, cool temperature and delicious fruits in the city.

Details of Beidaihe weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)

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Name:Beidaihe Weather Reply

I've heard that Beidaihe is a famous seaside city. When is the appropriate month to swim? in May? What's the temperature in Beidaihe?

Name:Re: Beidaihe Weather

Beidaihe is located in northern China which is a popular destination for seaside vacation in summer. Best time to go swim in Beidaihe is from May to late September. For temperature information, please refer to our list on this page.