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Huangshan Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Huangshan is one of the famous cities located in the south of Anhui Province, extending across four local countries-Shexian, Yixian, Taiping and Xiuning. The city, located in the eastern part of China and crosses over the basins of Yangtze and Huai River, enjoys the humid sub-tropical monsoon climate with four distinctive seasons. The average temperature in Huangshan is around 15 degrees celsius with the highest temperature at around 25 degrees celsius in summer and 0 degrees celsius in winter. Huangshan also

famous for the rainy and warm days in the whole year around and rainy season is April, May and June. The annual precipitation at Huangshan is around 2,400 mm. The springs and autumns are taking up two months respectively, but the summers and winters are comparatively long. The best time to visit Huangshan is July and August, guests can enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery. But, many hiking travelers said the best time to visit Huangshan is winter, because they can enjoy the fresh air, snow and the mountains in the mist, which will bring a different view of the Huangshan.

Details of Huangshan weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)
May79/8125/28 64/6718/208.4/8.5210/215

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User Comments

Name:Huangshan Weather Reply

What is the weather like in Huangshan at the end of September? Thank you!

Name:Re: Huangshan Weather

At the end of the Sep, the weather in Huangshan area (Yellow Mountain) is like autumn, about 18 degree centigrade. But if you will stay longer at the top, you had better hire the overcoat, it is too clod because of the altitude.

Name:Huangshan Weather Reply

Hi there, I'm on the planning stage, would like visit Huangshan in mid-April. How's the weather like?

Name:Re: Huangshan Weather

It is not that cold in mid-April in Huangshan. But the high ground (on Mt. Huangshan) is cooler than city for about 5 degree. So, I would suggest you bringing some long-sleeve clothes or a thin jacket. In addition, umbrella must to be taken.