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Jiuquan Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Jiuquan has a dry continental climate of semi-desert. It is dry and rains less. It is cold in winter, hot in summer, cool in Autumn and windy and dusty in Spring . The highest air temperature reaches 40’c and the lowest air temperature drops -36.6’c. Total rainfall averaged annually remains less than 100mm. There are 62 rainy days in annual average, concentrating in period from June to October . The evaporation averaged annually is

2,141.4mm , which is 27 times of the annual rainfall. Sunshine time of annual average is 305.4 hours and annual percentage of sunshine is 69 and over , 78% in October .There are annually 127-158 days of frost-free period .Enjoying a continental desert climate in temperate zone, the city is dry and seldom rainy throughout the year. The winter is chilly and summer is hot, the spring is arid. You need very thick down coat in winter. Wind blowing with sands often happens in spring and autumn. So you’d better wear a hat and windbreaker. Temperature difference varies greatly during a day. It has slim rainfall during the whole year, mainly falling during July to October. May to October is the best season to visit Jiuquan.

Details of Jiuquan weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)
January33/360/28/12-13/-11<0.1 <5
June80/8427/2955/5913/151.5/1.6 40/45
September71/7522/2550/5510/121.9/2.0 50/55

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User Comments

Name:Jiuquan Weather Reply

We are planning a trip passing by Jiuquan in May or in July, next year. I have heard that Jiuquan, Gansu province reached the rare high temperature this year, is it true? How hot is it? I don't want to our trip exhausted by the hot weather.

Name:Re: Jiuquan Weather

It is true that Jiuquan, and many other cities nearby, suffered a lot from the rare high temperature in recent 50 years since this mid-July. The highest temperature even reaches up to 40 degree Celsius. It is extremely hot. So I would suggest you to visit Jiuquan in May if you can choose.