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Korla Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Korla is located in Eurasia, Xinjiang and Fuxin Strip, at the edge Tarim Basin in northeast, Beiyi library branch Tianshan Mountains and Luke Hora Hill, south of the world's second largest desert - the Taklimakan Desert. With an average altitude of 1000 meters, Korla enjoys the continental semi-arid climate with rich sunshine and 4 distinctive seasons. The Weather of Korla features light rainfall, a high evaporation rate, lots of Sunshine and a huge temperature disparity between day and night.

The time for sunshine in one year here can reach to 2990 hours with about 210 days frost-free. The average annual rainfall is about 50mm and annual average temperature is 11ºC. Temperature in winter can reach to -28ºC, while summers hot to 40ºC. So the best time to visit Korla is from April to June, and from September to October. Because of its long sunshine time, the fruits here are national famous like sweet pear; tomato; muskmelon; little apricot in white; fig; mulberry.

Details of Korla weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)

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Name:Korla Weather Reply

How's the weather in Korla in Uygur Xinjiang?

Name:Re: Korla Weather

Korla weather in winter is not too cold, the temperature is basically similar as in north China. It's cloudless most of the time in Korla and dry. Very hot in summer.