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Qinhuangdao Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Qinhuangdao, is one of the famous coastal cities in China, situated in the hilly eastern end of Yanshan Mountains and Plains. The city is full of mountain ranges, valleys, plains and enjoys the warm and semi-humid monsoon continental climate. This leaves it with Mild Spring, hot and humind summers, and beautiful autumn and winters. The annual temperature of the city is around 10 degrees celsius with the 2500 hours sunshine-time and 180 frost-free days. Summer is the best season to visit Qinhuangdao, since it is the

best place for the summer resort. During summer, it will enjoy a mild climate with the low temperature, compared to other cities close to Qinhuangdao. It is the best place for the guests to get away from the hot summer and enjoy the fresh sea food there. Also autumn is another good sason for the travellers to visit Qinhuangdao, since it is a good season to see the birds' migration there. Guest can take the photos for the animals and natural beauty in Qinhuangdao. And the temperature in winter of Qinhuangdao is around -7 degrees celsius, guests need to wear the down jacket outside.

Details of Qinhuangdao weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)

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Name:Qinhuangdao Weather Reply

How is the weather in Qinhuangdao? I will be teaching english over there for a semester from next Feb.

Name:Re: Qinhuangdao Weather

The weather in Qinhuangdao is changing from different seasons. The temperatures in Feb is low around 15 to 41, but it get warmer as spring and summer approach. Take some warm clothes with you. It will be rainy and hot in summer but you will survive.