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Zhangjiajie Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Zhangjiajie is situated in the northwest of Hunan province, in the juncture of the Yunan-Guizhou Plateau and the subsidence of Donating Lake. Zhangjiajie falls into the category of subtropical humid monsoon climate. It has enough sunshine, rich rainwater, long frost-free period, short cold period and quite different four seasons. The average temperature is 13 C (55 F), the highest 17 C (62 F ) while the lowest is 10 C (50 F) on average in winter with an annual rain fall of 1400 millimeters. The seasons are all comfortable with long

 periods of cool and calm weather and short periods of hot and cold. The average frost-free period over the past years is about 216 to 269 days a year. Therefore, it attracts visitors all year round. Besides its pleasant climate, the environment and air quality also provide visitors a chance to breathe healthy air which is believed to be rich in negative oxygen. It is also believed that hypertension patient may have their blood pressure lowered if they stay in the park for a period of time.

Details of Zhangjiajie weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
Average Data JanFebMarAprMayJune
Average Data JulyAug SepOctNovDec

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Name:Zhangjiajie Weather Reply

Travel to Zhangjiajie in Mid October 2010 to November 2010 what is the weather.

Name:Re: Zhangjiajie Weather

The weather of Zhangjiajie during Oct.-Nov. is good. Temperature will be between 55F-50F. Jackets are neended.

Name:Zhangjiajie Weather Reply

My family is planning to visit Zhangjiajie in late November. How is the weather in Zhangjiajie usually around that time? Does it rain often? Any suggestion on clothes?

Name:Re: Zhangjiajie Weather

If you are coming in late November, then you should bring warm clothes with you. The temperature in Zhangjiajie will be round 12 celsius or so.