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Zhangye Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Zhangye is situated in western part of Gansu province, midway of Hexi Corridor; located in the area where the Qinghai-Tibet and Inner Mongolia Plateaus adjoin. Zhangye lies in the middle latitude zone and has a temperate arid climate with four distinctive seasons. The annual average temperature is about 7ºC. Coldest in January and hottest in July and the comfortable months for travel is from June to September .It has about 140 frost-free days with the annual rainfall averages 130 millimeters, the total amount of sunshine reach

3000 hours. Winter is long and cold, summer is short and hot, the temperature of spring rises quickly and that of autumn decreases quickly. You’d better wear sunglasses, and suntan lotion to avoid the strong sunshine. Jeans, down coats and windbreakers would be necessary. By the way, because of the strong sunshine and wind, the traveler should not wear contact lenses.

Details of Zhangye weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)
January33/360/28/12-13/-11<0.1 <5
June80/8427/2955/5913/151.5/1.6 40/45
September71/7522/2550/5510/121.9/2.0 50/55

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User Comments

Name:Zhangye Weather Reply

How is the summer weather in Zhangye? We are planning a trekking over there next year.

Name:Re: Zhangye Weather

The weather in Summer is cool, the temperature is not that high, but sometimes it is hot. It is good weather in summer for a chillout.