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Zhengzhou Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Close to the Yellow River to the north, bordering the Songshan Mountain to the west, and adjacent to the Huanghuai Plains to the southeast, Zhengzhou is located in medium latitude zone and has a temperate semi-moisture continental monsoon climate. Annual average temperature is 14.4ºC, highest temperature is at an average of 27.3ºC in July and coldest is at an average of 0.2ºC in January. Annual rainfall is about 640.9mm, frost-free period lasts for 220 days, and annual sunshine time reach 2400 hours. Autumn is usually

sunny and with long daytimes and is the best season for your travel to the city. In autumn and spring, jeans and a sweater are usually enough. Shirts for the summer. If you are interested in visiting Zhengzhou in winter, heavy clothing is necessary, though sweaters and a jacket are enough during spring and autumn. China Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival (Sep. 1st to Sep. 5th) is a grand get-together of enthusiasts in Chinese Shaolin Kong Fu. During the festival, tourists can appreciate the impassioned opening ceremony and excellent Kong Fu demonstrations

Details of Zhengzhou weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
Average DataJanFebMarAprMayJune
Rain (in)0.2/0.40.4/0.51.0/1.11.7/1.82.1/2.22.4/2..5
Rain (mm)5.0/1010/1525/3040/4550/5560/65
Average DataJulyAugSepOctNovDec
Rain (in)5.9/6.04.9/5.02.9/3.01.6/1.71.0/1.10.4/0.5
Rain (mm)150/155125/13070/7540/4525/3010/15

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User Comments

Name:Zhengzhou Weather Reply

I'm going to study in Zhengzhou from next February. How is the weather then? Temperatures?

Name:Re: Zhengzhou Weather

The temperature will be 15 centi-degree on average after Feb. It's windy from March, and sometimes sandstorms come, so windproof clothes will be necessities. The weather will not be too hot in Zhengzhou.