Home - China Travel - Xian Travel Guide - The Ancient City Wall

The Ancient City Wall Guide

-Travel to The Ancient City Wall

The Ancient City Wall of Xian, Xian City Wall, is the best preserved and longest extant city wall in China. The Ancient City Wall now has become a landmark in Xi'an which is arranged neatly around the city wall. The most impressive constructions within the city is the magnificent and grandeur Ancient City Wall. It was constructed in the 14th century during the regime of the first emperor of Ming Dynasty. When Zhu Yuanzhang captured Huizhou, he was admonished by a hermit to 'build high walls, store abundant provisions and be patient to proclaim yourself emperor'. Once the whole country was unified,

he ordered the local governments to build large scale of city walls. Zhu firmly belived that 'among all the mountains and rivers in the world, the area of Central Qin is the most strongly fortified and strategically impregnable'. The current city wall is an enhancement of the old Tang Dynasty structure, after its enlargement in the Ming Dynasty. It is 12-14 meters across the top, 15-18 meters thick at bottom and 13.7 kilometers in length. The ramparts, dotted every other 120 meters on the wall, are towers that extend out from the main wall which allowed the soldiers to see the enemies approaching and climbing

up the wall. The distance between the ramparts is within the range of arrows fired from either side. This allowed soldiers to protect the entire wall without exposing themselves to the enemy. The Ancient City Wall was rammed up layer by layer of earth with the solid base tamped together with earth, lime and sticky rice water. Then people built another brick layer to enclose the wall from outside. It is a hot tourist attraction. Some guide information of the Ancient City Wall.
Location: in the Xi'an City         Tickets: RMB40/Person         Contact number: +86 29 87282976         Opening hours: 08:00-19:00

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Name:Ride on the The Ancient City Wall Reply

What’s the best way to visit the Ancient City Wall in Xian? I was suggested renting a bicycle. But we are travelling in winter time, will this make sense?

Name:Re: Ride on the The Ancient City Wall

Take a ride on the bike along the Ancient City Wall seems like the most romantic thing you have to experience in Xian. You will get a great atmosphere at night – the whole city is lit up. Well, if it happen to snow, you will catch beautiful scenery from the Ancient City Wall!