Home - China Travel - Xian Travel Guide - the Bell Tower

the Bell Tower Guide

-Travel to the Bell Tower

The Bell Tower of Xi'an, as the most well-preserved tower in China, located in the geographic center of the ancient city. The original Bell Tower was built in 1384 druing the early Ming Dynasty in the Yingxiang Temple by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to warn the city of any invaders. But, in 1582, the tower was pulled down and rebuilt to the present site. A beautiful legend goes like the reconstruction of the Bell Tower was to put down a monster that brought earthquake to the city. It is said that under the Bell Tower there's a well where the monster dwelled, then people built a grand Bell Tower on the well to peotect

the city from the monster. The Bell Tower is the symbol of the city Xi'an and one of the grandest of its kind in China with a height of 36 meters in total. The tower base is square and covers an area of 1,377 square meters with 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide with a brick and timber structure. It is one of the famous sites in Xian and celebrated for the echoes with the Drum Tower. The Bell Tower echoes with the Drum Tower and is half of kilo mile away from each other, but the situations of morning bell and evening drum no longer existed. Nowadays, only the Bell Tower is giving the time. Before the Bell Tower

moved, there was a copper bell in the tower, which sounds can spread several kilometers. Now the big iron Jinglong Bell on the tower was made in Ming Dynasty and it weighs 2,500 kilograms. It has given time to the city for more than 400 years. Nowadays, the clear and loud time-given sound on the tower in Xian was the recording sound of that bell. It is a popular travel destination in Xi'an. Some guide informations of the Bell Tower of Xi'an. Location: in the city center of Xi'an       Tickets: CNY 27 (CNY 40 for Bell Tower & Drum Tower)       Opening Hours: 08:00 - 22:00 (April 1 - Oct.31) ; 08:00 - 17:30 (Nov.1 - Mar.31)

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Name:Performance on Bell Tower Reply

I heard that there are performance display everyday on the Bell Tower. Can you give the time? Thanks.

Name:Re: Performance on Bell Tower

Times of the performances of Bell Tower:9:00,10:30,11:30,15:00,16:00,17:00