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Yinchuan Climate

- Best Time To Visit

Yingchuan is located in the Yinchuan Plain, the middle beaches of the Yellow River, between the Helanshan Range and the Eerduosi Plateau; bounded by Helanshan Range to the west; bordering on the Yellow River in the east. Yinchuan is part of the dry temperature zone and has a temperate continental climate, which is lacking in rainfall but mild with sunshine. Yinchuan has a cool autumn and fall being the longest seasons, and cold winter and hot summer being the shortest. The average temperature is about 8ºC

 and the annual rain fall a low 200 millimeters. Yinchuan has a temperate continental climate, lacking in rainfall but with plenty of sunshine. The notable climate feature is windy, dry and sandy, which requires travelers to drink lots of water. It is exposed to the most solar radiation and sunshine in the whole country, so you had better take your sun-block, sunglasses and hat. Late spring and early summer is a golden time for traveling, and the Flower Festival (May to June) is also held during this time.

Details of Yinchuan weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)

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Name:Yinchuan Weather Reply

I have been visiting south China for a while and am planning to go to Yinchuan lately. How is the weather in Yinchuan? Is the heating system working yet? What kinda clothes should I pack with me?

Name:Re: Yinchuan Weather

The weather in Yinchuan is very cold lately and snows sometimes. Better to take warm clothes with you. The temperature has already dropped below freezing point.