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Zhongwei Climate

- Best Time To Visit

The climate in Zhongwei features dry, strong-wind, sandy, and more sandstorms. Zhongwei is in the middle temperate zone of the arid climate region and close to Tengger Desert to the northwestern. The altitude of Zhongwei is between 2955 to 1100 meters. There is sufficient sunshine with cold and dry spring, arid and hit summer, cool and moderate fall and frigid winter. The average temperature is about 8 degrees centigrade with an annual rain fall level of 200 millimeters. It is windy and there is lack of rain in this

area. May to October may be the best time to visit here. Zhongwei City lies in the west-central Ningxia Province, bordered by Gansu Province in the west and Inner Mongolia in the north. Desert, alluvial plain, terraces, mountain and basin are the main types of the city's landform. The Yellow River flows through the northwest part of the city. Zhongwei has convenient communication. Xiangshan Airport scheduled flights to Beijing, Chongqing, Xi’an and so on at present. As a transportation junction, Zhongwei not only plays an important role in the communication in Ningxia. But also enjoys an immovable place in the whole northwest region.

Details of Zhongwei weather forecast, such as the average, maximum and minimum statistics of temperatures and rainfalls
MonthAverage High( F)Average High ( C)Average Low ( F)Average Low ( C)Rain(in)Rain(mm)
September72/7522/2449/529/110.9/1.1 20/25

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Name:Zhongwei Weather Reply

My husband will be working in Zhongwei this winter. I'm preparing for his walldrob. How is the weather in Zhongwei? Temperatures? Any suggestions please?

Name:Re: Zhongwei Weather

The weather in Zhongwei in winter is dry and freezing, sometimes with light sandstorms. The temperature could be between -10 to -20 celsius, sometimes -30 when the cold Siberia cold snap comes. So strongly suggest warm clothes and windproof clothes.