Fubo Hill Guide

-Travel to Fubo Hill

Fubo Hill, known as Wave Subduing Hill in English, is located around 2 Kilometers from the Elephant Trunk Hill to the northeast of downtown Guilin. The foot of the hill lies half in the Li River and half on land, while its peak raises high up in the air. The Fubo Hill is nearly 63 meters long and 60 meters wide with an elevation of 213 meters above the sea level. The Fubo Hill has been a classical spot of travel destination in Guilin for long. The hill was named by general Ma Yuan in the Han Dynasty, therefore his bronze statue is standing at the foot of the hill. A garden of bamboo and palm trees lies to

the south of the hill. There is a sight-seeing terrace half way up the hill which allows visitors to see the Old Man Hill to the northwest. This hill looks like an old man with a hood and a beard. Beyond the terrace, the path to the summit is narrow and steep, and difficult to climb, similar to the west peak in the Mount Hua in Shaanxi Province. On the southern slope of the hill is Pearl-Returning Cave, which formed about ten thousand years ago, is 2 metrs high, 5 meters high inside, 7 meters wide and 127 meters long. The legend says that a fisherman entered the cave and saw an old man sleeping with a pearl

beside him. The fisherman stole the pearl, but someone told him that the pearl belonged to the God of the Sea who would get angre if he didn't return the pearl. Hence the cave is called Return the Pearly Cave. Inside one of the caves of Fubo hill there is also a magnificent sight. A several-meter stalactite column, which is named the Sword Testing Stone, reaches from the ceiling, almost touching the ground. There's also a Thousand-Buddha Cave connecting with the Pearl-Returning Cave hidden in the hill, which covers 133 square meters with 239 statues of Buddha from the late Tang Dynasty and mural paintings from Song Dynasty. You cannot miss Fubo Hill when traveling to Guilin. Some guideinformation of the Fubo Hill.
Location: to the northeast of downtown Guilin           Tickets: CNY 15           Opening Hours: 07:10 to 18:30

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